When I evaluate the products, I’m somehow always much more tougher to high-quality cosmetics, for such a price I expect perfection.
I divide my expectations for mascaras in several categories:
1. The most important thing for me is that mascara does not smudge to the upper and lower eyelid because there is nothing worse than a scenario of non stop checking and erasing smudged mascara!
With this mascara you will not have such problems, you don’t have to worry that it will ‘slide’ from your lashes to your dark circles, or that mascara will smudge on the upper eyelid. Your lashes will look identical at the end of the day, as they looked in the morning after application.
My rating 10/10
2. The separation of the lashes and upgrading!
The brush of this mascara is very small, with firm bristles of different lengths, and it alone performed a perfect job in separating the lashes. A big minus is that the tube opening is simply too large for such a small brush, and therefore too much product comes with the brush – as the result, it gives the impression of clumping, sticking lashes and a quite messy look. To avoid this you should remove extra product with tissue, and you will have perfect lashes. This is not a big problem because it is done in two seconds, but it is not nice for such an expensive mascara to be thrown away and dryed like that.
My rating 6/10
3. The intensity of color!
I’m in love with mascaras that have strong intensity of color. I usually put one layer and I just love when my lashes are thick, visible and very long. Black mascara that I tried was well pigmented and completely satisfied my desires.
My rating 10/10
4. Extending eyelashes!
Who does not want great and endlessly long feminine eyelashes? Yes, this mascara will visually lengthen your lashes.
My rating 10/10
5. The volume of eyelashes!
With regard to the problem of small brush, a large opening and ultimately too much product on the brush, it is impossible to achieve a beautifully separated, thick eyelashes (if you don’t remove extra mascara from the brush).
My rating 8/10
The first coat of mascara on the eyelashes:
The second coat of mascara on the eyelashes:
The content is 10ml and it is best to use in 6 months after opening. Price is 34 euros.
This is a very good mascara, but it’s not something I would warmly recommend and characterized as the perfect mascara. Mascara is ideal for every day, but you will hardly achieve the dramatic look of voluminous and long eyelashes that we are looking for nights out.
Have you used this mascara? What are your impressions?Kada procjenjujem proizvode, uvijek nekako strože ocjenjujem visoko kvalitetnu kozmetiku, kozmetiku za koju treba izdvojiti veću svotu novaca jer za takvu cijenu očekujem savršenstvo.
Očekivanja od maskare dijelim u nekoliko kategorija:
1. Jedna od meni najbitnijih stvari kod maskare je da se ne preslikava na gornji i donji kapak jer mi nema gore od scenarija non stop provjeravanja i brisanja preslikane maskare!
S ovom maskarom takvih problema nema, ne trebate brinuti da će ‘skliznuti’ s Vaših trepavica na podočnjake, niti da će se oslikati na gornji kapak. Maskara je postojana cijeli dan i izgleda identično na kraju dana kao što je izgledala ujutro nakon nanošenja.
Moja ocjena 10/10
2. Razdvajanje trepavica, slojevitost i nadogradnja!
Četkica ove maskare je jako mala, s čvrstim dlačicama različitih duljina, te ona sama po sebi obavlja savršen posao u razdvajanju trepavica. Veliki minus je sam otvor tube koji je jednostavno prevelik za ovako sitnu četkicu te zbog toga previše proizvoda izlazi s četkicom što za rezultat daje dojam grudica, sljepljivanja trepavica i sve u svemu dosta neuredan izgled. Kako bi to izbjegli trebali bi maramicom odstraniti višak proizvoda i imali bi savršene trepavice. To i nije neki problem jer se napravi u dvije sekunde, ali nije simpatično ovako skupu maskaru nepotrebno na taj način bacati i isušivati.
Moja ocjena 6/10
3. Intenzitet boje!
Volim da je maskara intenzivne boje iz razloga što najčešće stavljam jedan sloj i što jednostavno volim guste, uočljive i duge trepavice. Crna maskara koju sam probala je dobro pigmentirana i zadovoljava u potpunosti mojim prohtjevima.
Moja ocjena 10/10
4. Produljenje trepavica!
Tko još ne želi beskrajno duge ženstvene trepavice??? Da, ova će maskara vizualno produljiti Vaše trepavice.
Moja ocjena 10/10
5. Gustoća trepavica!
S obzirom na problem male četkice i velikog otvora te samim time previše proizvoda na četkici, nemoguće je postići prekrasno razdvojene, guste trepavice, ako prije toga ne odstranite višak maskare.
Moja ocjena 8/10
Prvi nanos maskare na trepavice:
Drugi nanos maskare na trepavice:
Sadrži 10 ml i najbolje ju je upotrijebiti unutar 6 mjeseci nakon otvaranja. Cijena ovisno o mjestu prodaje, oko 250 kuna.
Ovo je dobra maskara, ali svejedno nije nešto što bih toplo preporučila i okarakterizirala kao savršenom maskarom. Maskara idealna za svaki dan, ali s kojom ćete teško postići dramatičan izgled gustih trepavica koje sve tražimo kod večernjih izlazaka.
Jeste li koristile ovu maskaru? Koji su Vaši dojmovi?
Martina, Alter Ego Style