Inspiration – a Chinese restaurant, dinner …
Let’s begin..
Inspiracija – kineski restoran, večera…
Before applying any makeup to your skin, try to create a routine that includes applying a base in the form of moisturizers that will nourish your face and keep it from premature aging. Currently I am using a cream L’OREAL TRIPLE ACTIVE NUTRITION, day cream for dry skin. After base, start with applying the foundation that will equal the color face and make it fresh and healthy. For this Look, I chose the 123 PERFECT Bourjois Foundation in shade number 52 – Vanilla and I applied it with SHISEIDO sponge applicator.
Using CATRICE EYEBROW SET I fill in the gaps and give them the desired shape. Over the entire lid, right up to the eyebrows, I applied beautiful SEPHORA IVORY bright shade from MAKE UP PALETTE (B2 eyeshadow in Sephora palette that I presented here).
Then I gave some definition to my lower eyelids with the eyeshadow H11, from the same Sephora Make Up Palette, following the bottom line of the eyelid and gently pulling it out. I used Sephora brush No. 25.
With what’s left on the brush I crossed along the upper lash line concentrating more color to the outer third of the upper eyelid.
With wet Stila brush No. 10 and a black matte eyeshadow (Sephora) I drew a thick line along the upper eyelashes.
Using Sephora crease brush No. 13 and a darker shade of Lancome Ombre Subtile Duo eyeshadow palette No. 01 Voile de Brume I gave some definition to my crease.
On the lashes I used two coats of black mascara – Bourjois Volume Glamour MAX definition in shade No. 51 Max Black. With Bourjois concealer Healthy mix No. 51 Eclat Clair I covered dark circles under my eyes and imperfections. For contouring I used IQ angled blush brush and Pupa bronzer in shade No. 01 Luminys. With my fingers I applied little cream blush Catrice C01 A Woman’s World.
On the lips I used Catrice Colour Infusion Longlasting Lipstain in shade No. 050 Red & The City.
Do you have your favorite red lipstick or more of them? How often do you wear it?
Martina, Alter Ego Style
Prije svakog nanošenja šminke probajte, ako ju već nemate, stvoriti rutinu nanošenja podloge u obliku hidrantne kreme koja će nahraniti Vaše lice i čuvati ga od preranog starenja. Trenutno koristim kremu L’OREAL TRIPLE ACTIVE NUTRITION, dnevnu kremu za suhu kožu. Nakon podloge nanesite puder koji će Vam izjednačiti lice i učiniti ga sviježim i zdravim. Ja sam izabrala puder BOURJOIS 123 PERFECT u nijansi broj 52 – Vanilija. Puder sam nanosila spužvicom za pudere SHISEIDO.
Nakon ujednačenog tena, popunila sam praznine u obrvama i dala im željeni oblik pomoću CATRICE EYEBROW SET-a za obrve.
Na cijeli kapak nanijela sam svijetlo sjenilo kao bazu. Bilo koje, za nijansu svijetlije sjenilo od Vašeg tena biti će odlično. Ja sam koristila sjenilo iz Sephora Make Up Palette (B2 predstavljeno ovdje)
Zatim sam prateći donju liniju kapka sjenilom definirala oko, te ga blago izvukla prema van. Sjenilo koje sam koristila je H11 iz iste Sephora palete.
Onime što je ostalo na kistu definirala sam vanjsku trećinu gornjeg kapka. Kist koji sam koristila je Sephora eyeshadow broj 25.
Vlažnim Stila kistom broj 10 i crnim mat Sephora sjenilom iscrtala sam srednje debelu liniju uz gornje trepavice.
Pomoću tamnije nijanse iz Lancome Ombre Subtile Duo eyeshadow palete broj 01 Voile de brume sjenčala sam pregib kapka pomoću Sephora kista za sjenčanje pregiba broj 13.
Na trepavice sam nanijela dva sloja crne maskare Bourjois Volume Glamour MAX definition u nijansi 51 Max Black. Korektorom Bourjois Healthy mix broj 51 Eclat clair izbrisala sam nepravilnosti i podočnjake. Pupa bronzerom broj 01 Luminys i IQ kosim kistom za rumenilo napravila sam konturu lica, te zatim prstima nanijela malo kremastog rumenila Catrice C01 A Woman’s World.
Na prethodno Melemom nahranjene usne, nanijela sam Catrice Colour Infusion Longlasting Lipstain u nijansi 050 Red & The City.
Imate li svoj omiljeni crveni ruž ili više njih? Koliko često posežete za njime?